Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Talk the Bread

Entering the Breadtalk in RP is heaven for me. I don't know why this is, since I do not feel the same when I go to Breadtalk's other branches. I never enjoy going to crowdy places and since almost all of the Breadtalk's branches are full of regular customers and intrigued first time triers, it really is a maze to me why even though Breadtalk in RP is almost always bursting with people, I still do not mind. I still enjoy going around, picking my own breads and even queuing in a very long line.

Going inside a Breadtalk store is like submitting yourself to a temptation haven. You see countless of breads everywhere, surrounding you, as if they were hypnotizing you. One of their bestsellers, and their original creation, is the Floss. It is a soft bread covered with pork Floss. Right now, they also have the cheese floss variety and the chicken floss variety available. I must admit, these Floss breads are real good. In fact, my grandmother who has never been a fan of "upscale" breads, and "fancy" breads fell in love with the Floss. It became her favorite with just two bites. Last weekend, I went to RP again, and before I go home, I went to Breadtalk to buy some breads for my breakfast for the week ahead. I saw this square, sturdy bread with what looks like cranberry chunks on top, on a tray. I was thinking twice about getting this one because it looks like it is tough to the bite. Nevertheless, I went ahead and picked one up and put it on my tray. It was heavy and while still walking around the humble store, I thought of putting it back simply because I thought the bread will not suit my taste. But curiosity killed the cat and so I went ahead and paid for the breads.

Honestly, when I picked this cranberry bread, I did not read the whole name on the label. When I read the word "cranberry", I got excited and just refused to read the whole name. When I took my first bite on this cranberry bread, I thought it was good. On the second bite, it was only then that I realized that there are cheese crumbs inside. Turned out, these are cream cheese baked together with the bread. Every bite is just bursting with the tartness of the cranberry and the tangy taste of the cream cheese. The cranberry chunks are crunchy and the cream cheese literally melts in your mouth. The bread itself, although heavy in weight turned out to be soft and a little moist inside. It can really fill your hungry stomach and satisfy your taste buds. In short, this Cranberry Cream Cheese Mini Toast is HEAVEN on earth.

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